Our Newest Louisville Preschool

Bezos Academy staff with Mayor Craig Greenberg, Lisa Dischinger (LDG Foundation), Mark Lechner (LDG Development), Barbara Lechner, Lt. Governor Jacqueline Coleman, Chris Dischinger (LDG Foundation), and Ashley Novak Butler (Lift a Life Novak Family Foundation)

We had a delightful time in Louisville earlier this week! Not only did we break ground for Bezos Academy Louisville – Russell, we also announced our fourth preschool in Louisville. Our newest preschool, Bezos Academy Louisville – Riverport, will be located on LDG’s Riverport campus, an intergenerational community that includes housing for seniors and families.

Thanks to the vision of Chris and Lisa Dischinger, Mark and Barbara Lechner, Mayor Craig Greenberg, and leaders across the state and city, we’re on track to help 280 children in Louisville experience the joy of preschool, each year. We can’t wait!

Learn more about the school and our partnership by clicking on a news article below.