Meet John: From Coaching on the Field to Teaching in the Classroom
Jul 15, 2024
John went from coaching soccer players for several years to teaching young children at a Bezos Academy preschool in Kissimmee, Florida. He draws from his experience as a coach to bring out the best in his students.

What did you do before working at Bezos Academy?
I was a director for a soccer club in New Jersey for 15 years and loved it. When I moved to Florida, my job search led me to education. There are many parallels between coaching and education. For example, not every player or child is the same. Each has a different background, and you meet them where they are and teach them based on their individual needs. What’s consistent for both is that you provide the information for a new skill and give them room to figure it out. They might achieve milestones at different times and follow their own path, but they’ll get there eventually.
What inspired you to pursue education?
I wanted the opportunity to have a positive impact on children. I’ve always had that passion to help children succeed and achieve their goals. It’s what drove me to coach and venture into education.
Describe what you do in a day. What is your favorite part of the day?
I assist my lead teacher in running the classroom and support the children during the work cycle. I also try and help my coworkers who need it. My favorite part of the day is greeting every student as they enter the classroom. It allows me to connect with them and learn how their day is going and helps me understand how I’ll need to assist them throughout the day.
What do you love about your job?
I love everything about my job! But what ranks highest for me is being able to work with such amazing people who are like-minded and really want to see every child in our school succeed. I also love teaching such amazing kids. I love seeing them strive and show off their accomplishments. Their smiles make my day.

What does Child First, Always mean to you?
It means meeting the child where they are and helping them with whatever they need. Some might need a simple “hello” in the morning. Others may need more support during a work cycle.
Do you think having a male teacher in the classroom makes a difference on the children?
All children should see someone who looks like them in their classroom or on their educational journey. It shows them that no matter who they are, they can be a teacher.
Do you feel like you are making an impact in your role?
Every day I get a chance to help bring a smile to a child’s face or teach them something new. I had a student who didn’t want to participate at first. But I helped them adjust slowly and now he can recite the days of the weeks and numbers. In those moments, I can clearly see the impact.
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