Bezos Academy is interested in working with organizations that want to invest in the lives of local children by hosting tuition-free, Montessori-inspired preschools in their facilities.
Where we operate
We currently operate preschools in Florida, Texas, and Washington, and have plans to grow in these states as well as in Arizona, Hawaii, and Kentucky. You’ll soon find our preschools in each of these regions:
- Arizona (Glendale, Mesa)
- Florida (Boca Raton, Lakeland, Orlando, West Palm Beach)
- Hawaii (Maui)
- Kentucky (Louisville)
- Texas (Dallas, Houston, San Antonio)
- Washington (Everett, Pacific Beach, Pasco, Renton, Seattle, Tacoma)
Check out our Eligibility and Application page for enrollment information at each of our preschools.

At this time, we are prioritizing host partners in Pasco (Washington), San Antonio (Texas), and Maui (Hawaii).
How our model works
We identify eligible communities for Bezos Academy preschools based on the answers to three questions: Does the community have a high concentration of low-income families? How many 3-to-5-year-old children live in the community? What is the gap between the number of preschool age children, and the full-day, year-round licensed preschool seats? We focus on communities that have a large, growing access gap.
Once we select a community, we look for Host Partners. These are organizations who deeply understand the needs of the communities and share our willingness to invest in early childhood education.
Host Partners help us in two important ways. First, they provide the physical space where Bezos Academy schools are housed, including outdoor areas. We work together to build or renovate the space into a safe, warm, welcoming preschool environment. We then furnish it with everything required to open a new Montessori-inspired preschool. Our preschools must follow high standards, including meeting or exceeding all state and local early childhood education licensing requirements.
Second, because we know that our Hosts know their communities best, we request their help to better understand the people and organizations in the area. This includes introducing us to groups and public agencies on the front lines of serving area children and families.
Our hosts include:
- Affordable Housing Developers
- Higher Education Institutions
- Local Governments
- School Districts
- Senior Living Providers
Facilities with sufficient space for 3-5 classrooms (4,000-9,000 square feet) are preferred.
Do you, or does an organization in your community, fit this description?
Please connect with us to explore expanding access to tuition-free, Montessori-inspired preschool programming in your area.